The Everlab Protocol™

Membership structure

Let your personal doctor navigate your health, supported by a world-class team of physios, coaches and dieticians. Receive clear guidance on how to manage and mitigate your health risk.



Complete a secure, online questionnaire of your medical history that covers genetics, family history, relationships and mental health. In the meantime our medical team will gather and analyse your medical records.


Onboarding Consult

Review your medical and family history with your personal doctor during an onboarding video call and establish your unique risk profile.

WEEK 2 - 4


Undergo diagnostic assessments at our Labs or with specialist partners. Tests include blood work, radiology and more.


Results Review

You and your doctor review the diagnostic results, determine priorities and establish a plan of action. We ensure you leave with clear next steps to improve your health.


Physical and Diet Assessment

Complete a week of diet tracking incl. CGM and undergo a 90min longevity focused physical assessment. Debrief with our expert dietician and PTs and receive high-impact action plans.


Re-testing and Mid-year consult

We re-assess your priority biomarkers after six months. Analyse progress and adjust your plan in a video call with your doctor.

Year 1

Annual Review

Life changes. And so does your body. Therefore, we evolve your plan as your lifestyle changes, re-assess your biomarkers yearly and re-set goals and priorities.

Own your health today